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How To Attract The Perfect Clients With Killer Headlines

Jul 26, 2024

2 min read




The absolute majority of advertising is boring, cliche, or just dead wrong. I’ll show you how to get the attention of prospects, and generate more leads by fixing your headlines. 

Let’s get into it.

Why headlines are unquestionably the most important element in advertising

Headlines are crucial in ads, websites, letters, conversations, and marketing messages.

Their purpose is to grab attention and make a good first impression, regardless of the situation you’re in, whether it’s the first few sentences in a phone call, or the first thing you say in a job interview. 

Even your appearance in an interview is a headline

Many headlines are unclear or irrelevant, causing people to ignore them, but it should make the customer want to pay attention. 

Which is why your headline should zero in on precisely whom you want to reach - your target market. 

For example, if you want to reach business owners, put the word “business owners" in the headline, that way the reader immediately and clearly understands the essence of what you’re trying to say in the body copy.

How To Get The Most Value Out Of Your 80 Cents

Here’s an easy way to understand just how important good headlines really are, as soon as you have written your headline, you have spent at least 80 cents out of your dollar.

To explain it simpler, 80% of your outcome, four-fifths of your results are affected positively or negatively by how and what you communicate in the beginning.

A good test to see whether you’re getting the most out of your 80 cents or not is by seeing if your headline alone, with a response mechanism (like a phone number), would prompt action.

It should instantly make sense and entice people to read more or take action. They need to be able to stand alone and still make people want to engage.

Examples Of Good Headlines

"Your home sold within 94 days or we pay you $1,500."

"How to easily get more clients without increasing your ad budget."

"Four little-known tricks to get a higher mortgage."

"Finally, a definitive solution for the crippling effects of burnout.”

The reason these headlines do what they’re meant to do — grab attention — is because they resonate with the specific needs or interests of the audience. 

They all clearly communicate a benefit or a compelling reason to pay attention.

So have a look at your existing headlines and see if they pass the test of grabbing immediate attention.

If you don’t manage to gain your prospect’s attention and desire immediately with your headline, that prospect won’t listen, read or pay attention to the rest of your message.

Replace vague or irrelevant headlines with ones that directly address what your audience cares about

This is doable for every single business, even yours. If you’d like to know how we would do this in your business, get in touch with us here.

Jul 26, 2024

2 min read





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