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How to easily write high performing ads for your business

Jul 26, 2024

2 min read




If you’re looking to make your ads more effective, capture more attention, and get your more clients… Then this article will show you exactly that.

If you analyze the most successful companies’ ads in the world and try to use them as inspiration you’ll notice one thing when it’s time to write an ad, you won’t have any idea how to.

The secret reason why most ads don’t perform

I did some research trying to find the secret ad formula.

Some sources told me to use a cute baby animal in my ad, some other sources told me it wasn’t professional.

Some sources told me to repeat my message over and over again, others told me that repetition annoys people and makes them NOT buy from you.

All this left me confused and I decided to take a shortcut.

I looked at the ads of top companies within a niche and did roughly the same. Like copying your classmate’s homework and changing it up slightly so it’s not an exact copy.

But there’s one issue with this approach, if you go and ask your boss the results of the ads, he’ll probably reply with “uhhh… what do you mean ‘results’?”

That’s because the top companies’ ads aren’t made to bring in sales and clients. 

They’re just made for brand name recognition and branding.

Fixing your marketing

When we spend money on something, we measure the result.

Doesn’t matter what it is, could be equipment, lunch or vendors - we make sure that we get what we pay for, right?

The people running these ads will tell you:

“Well, this ad is for brand name recognition”

“We’re focused on top of mind awareness in our market”

“This campaign is set up to solidify our branding and brand positioning”

This is usually said in a slightly condescending tone designed to make you feel dumb for even asking the question.

But here’s the ugly truth:

“Most businesses throw away at least half of their marketing budget. Maybe even more than half.”

And that just doesn’t sit right with me.

How I Stopped Throwing Money Away…

… And How You Can Do The Same.

If I had to write out all the elements of a successful ad we would be sitting here for weeks, so let me give you one of the best shortcuts I found.

Some might recognize it as ‘Pearson’s Law’.

“What is measured, improves.”

Want to immediately and dramatically increase ad results?

Make them measurable by adding a response mechanism. A call to action in every ad that asks the prospect to do something.

And then you monitor that action like a hawk.

Now you can measure, test, and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

When you start working with a client, one of the first thing you should do is to tell your client to implement this simple rule:

“Every ad we run needs to be measurable, no exceptions”

No more jargon. No more vague marketing gobbledygook. Measurable, tangible, solid results.

There’s plenty of ways to do this and it’s doable for every single business, yours included. If you want to know how we would do this in your business, get in touch with us today.

Jul 26, 2024

2 min read





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